Hey all! I just happened upon an auction site looking for some reference and what did I see? Some nice hi-res scans of Leyendecker paintings for sale. I can't afford the $100,000+ price tag, so the scans will have to do. Anyway, I thought I would add them to the blog. Enjoy!
Well, I've asked for clarification on this whole thing, but no response from the publishers. So...I'm keeping the images up until I have time to put a watermark or something on them. Anyway, please enjoy some J.C.!
Hey everyone! I have to take these pictures off the blog for a little while, by demand of the publishing company that owns the original SEP rights. I'm trying to figure out what needs to be done in order to get them up without infringing on copyrights and stuff. Hopefully soon! I appreciate your patience!
Welcome, Leyendecker fans! Thanks to the diligence of my wife's grandfather, and my mother-in-law's generousity, I have found myself in possession of a wonderful collection of Saturday Evening Post covers. In them are tons of great illustrations by some of America's Greats, including many from a favorite, Joseph Christian Leyendecker. I've enjoyed them for years, but have not shared them with many until now. I hope that these scans will be helpful and inspiring to everyone! Thanks again for visiting!
P.S.: Below are just thumbnails, of course. Click on them to view the high resolution versions!